Osseo Area Schools celebrates strides forward in school counseling, recognizes critical impact of school counselors
As Osseo Area Schools celebrates National School Counseling Week Feb. 3-7, there is even more reason to celebrate district school counselors’ admirable work this year. The district added Osseo Middle School, Palmer Lake Elementary and Park Brook Elementary schools to its already impressive list of RAMP-recognized schools for 2025. Ramp stands for Recognized ASCA Model Program and signifies a program that is exemplary in its comprehensive, data-driven approach to school counseling.
The three new sites to earn RAMP designation join 11 district sites that have earned this recognition previously, making Osseo Area Schools a state leader in dedicating time and resources to ensuring its school counseling programs are as effective as possible.
“It is rare to have the number of RAMP recognized programs in one district, and it says a lot about the school counseling team and their commitment to providing K-12 student support in the areas of academics, social and emotional development and career/college exploration, said Jacqueline Trzynka, Osseo Area Schools’ district school counselor.